A partnership between Oregon State University, Real Time Research, and the USGS - Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Interior Oregon & NE California

Weekly Update for 9/14 - 9/20/2009

9/15/09 ›

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed construction of a new one-acre mud core island for Caspian tern nesting in the Orems Unit at Lower Klamath NWR

9/14/09 ›

Last day of regular colony monitoring at Crump Lake tern island for 2009

Weekly Update for 9/7 - 9/13/2009

9/12/09 ›

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed construction of a new half-acre rock core tern nesting island in Gold Dike impoundment at Summer Lake Wildlife Area; this new island will serve as alternative Caspian tern nesting habitat when East Link impoundment is drained for periodic vegetation management

9/9/09 ›

Caspian tern decoys and audio playback systems removed from the East Link tern island at Summer Lake Wildlife Area; this completes field research on Caspian terns at the Summer Lake Wildlife Area for 2009

9/7/09 ›

High count during the week of 3 adult Caspian terns and 6 tern chicks on Crump Lake tern island; also counted on island were 13 double-crested cormorants, 3 Forster’s terns, and one spotted sandpiper

Weekly Update for 8/31 - 9/6/2009

9/3/09 ›

All Caspian terns have dispersed from the East Link tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; 6 fledged or nearly fledged young terns were raised at the East Link tern island this season

9/2/09 ›

Caspian tern decoys and audio playback systems removed from the Dutchy Lake floating tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

8/31/09 ›

Five adult Caspian terns and 2 fledglings on Dutchy Lake floating tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; 11 young terns were raised at Dutchy Lake floating tern island this season; Caspian terns are only species that nested on Dutchy Lake island this season

8/31/09 ›

High count during the week of 9 adult Caspian terns and 21 tern chicks on Crump Lake tern island; also counted on island were 3 double-crested cormorants, one spotted sandpiper, and one juvenile California gull

Weekly Update for 8/24 - 8/30/2009

8/24 – 8/30/09 ›

High counts during the week of 37 adult Caspian terns and 49 tern chicks on Crump Lake tern island; also counted on island were 7 American white pelicans, 4 double-crested cormorants, 3 Forster’s terns, 2 ring-billed gulls, and 2 killdeer

8/24 – 8/30/09 ›

High count during the week of 7 adult Caspian terns, including one nearly fledged chick, on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; at least 12 tern eggs were laid this breeding season, producing 6 fledged or nearly fledged young terns at the East Link Pond tern island; also counted on the island were 4 double-crested cormorants and one yellow-headed blackbird

8/24 – 8/30/09 ›

High count during the week of 13 adult Caspian terns, including 3 fledglings, on Dutchy Lake floating tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; a total of least 17 tern eggs were laid this breeding season, producing 11 fledged young at the Dutchy Lake floating tern island; a wide variety of other colonial waterbirds roosted on the island this week, but Caspian terns are the only species nesting on the Dutchy Lake floating island

8/28/09 ›

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed construction of a new two-acre rock core island for Caspian tern nesting in Sump 1B at Tule Lake NWR 

8/28/09 ›

Survey of the East Link Pond tern island revealed a total of 16 owl pellets, 15 contained fur and bones and one contained downy feathers

8/28/09 ›

PIT tag recovery at piscivorous waterbird colonies on Clear Lake in northeastern California; nesting species include American white pelicans, double-crested cormorants, ring-billed gulls, California gulls, great blue herons, great egrets, and others; John Beckstrand (USFWS) assisted with PIT tag recovery

8/27/09 ›

PIT tag recovery at piscivorous waterbird colonies on Sheepy Lake in northeastern California; nesting species include American white pelicans and double-crested cormorants; Dave Mauser (USFWS) assisted with PIT tag recovery

Weekly Update for 8/17 - 8/23/2009

8/17 – 8/23/09 ›

High counts during the week of 191 adult Caspian terns and 76 tern chicks on Crump Lake tern island; the average number of adult terns counted on the island this week (40 terns) dropped dramatically compared to the previous week (249 terns); also counted on the island was one ring-billed gull

8/17 – 8/23/09 ›

High count during the week of 10 Caspian terns, including 4 active nesting pairs and 5 chicks, on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; also counted on island were one ring-billed gull, one California gull, and 12 double-crested cormorants

8/17 – 8/23/09 ›

High count during the week of 10 Caspian terns, including 3 chicks, on Dutchy Lake floating tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; all of the surviving tern chicks have fledged, but some continue to use the island as a roost site

8/17 – 8/23/09 ›

So far during the 2009 nesting season, 48 color-banded Caspian terns have been re-sighted at the Crump Lake tern island and 13 have been re-sighted at the Summer Lake tern islands; over a third of these 61 banded terns were banded as either adults or chicks at the East Sand Island tern colony during 2001-2006; an adult Caspian tern banded on East Sand Island in 2005 and confirmed nesting there during 2006-09 was recently re-sighted at Crump Lake island

8/17/09 ›

Aerial survey of Upper Klamath, Lower Klamath, Tule Lake, and Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuges, northern Goose Lake, and Summer Lake Wildlife Area; checked sites of piscivorous waterbird colonies active in 2009 to determine occupancy

Weekly Update for 8/10 - 8/16/2009

8/10 – 8/16/09 ›

High counts during the week of 509 adult Caspian terns and 95 tern chicks on Crump Lake tern island; also counted on the island were one California gull and one double-crested cormorant

8/10 – 8/16/09 ›

High count during the week of 12 Caspian terns, including 5 active nesting pairs and 6 chicks, on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; also counted on island were 154 ring-billed gulls, 37 California gulls, 5 double-crested cormorants, 4 great egrets, and 1 great blue heron

8/10 – 8/16/09 ›

High count during the week of 23 Caspian terns, including 2 active nesting pairs and 3 chicks, on Dutchy Lake floating tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; most of the 10 tern chicks raised on the island have fledged, and some are visiting the island post-fledging

8/10/09 ›

Installed additional video monitoring system at the Fern Ridge tern island; testing the feasibility of capturing live streaming video from bird colonies that can be viewed from any computer with internet access

Weekly Update for 8/3 - 8/9/2009

8/3 – 8/9/09 ›

During 2009, 43 color-banded Caspian terns have been re-sighted at the Crump Lake tern island and 13 have been re-sighted at the Summer Lake tern islands; about one third of these terns were banded as either adults or chicks at the East Sand Island tern colony during 2001-2006

8/3 – 8/9/09 ›

High counts during the week of 589 adult Caspian terns and 103 tern chicks on Crump Lake tern island; also counted on the island were 10 ring-billed gulls and 18 California gulls

8/3 – 8/9/09 ›

High count during the week of 16 Caspian terns, including 5 active nesting pairs and 6 chicks, on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; also counted on the island were 10 ring-billed gulls, 2 California gulls, and 7 double-crested cormorants

8/3 – 8/9/09 ›

High count during the week of 42 Caspian terns, including 7 active nesting pairs and 10 chicks, on Dutchy Lake floating tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; Caspian terns are the only species nesting on the Dutchy Lake floating island

8/4/09 ›

83 Caspian tern chicks captured and banded at Crump Lake tern island

Weekly Update for 7/27 - 8/2/2009

8/2/09 ›

First Caspian tern fledgling observed at the Dutchy Lake floating tern island

7/27 – 8/2/09 ›

High count during the week of 742 Caspian terns, including 91 active nesting pairs and 86 chicks, on Crump Lake tern island; also counted on the island were 32 ring-billed gulls, 182 California gulls, and 19 double-crested cormorants

7/27 – 8/2/09 ›

High count during the week of 34 Caspian terns, including 6 active nesting pairs and 8 chicks, on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; also counted on the island were 152 ring-billed gulls, 24 California gulls, and 3 double-crested cormorants

7/27 – 8/2/09 ›

High count during the week of 56 Caspian terns, including 7 active nesting pairs and 9 chicks, on Dutchy Lake floating tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; several tern chicks have died recently on Dutchy Lake island, apparently due to hyperthermia

7/29/09 ›

First Caspian tern fledgling observed at the Crump Lake tern island

Weekly Update for 7/20 - 7/26/2009

7/20 – 7/26/09 ›

High count during the week of Caspian tern nests on Crump Lake tern island was 160 nests, lower than previous week; also counted on the island were 32 ring-billed gulls, 230 California gulls, and 2 double-crested cormorants

7/20 – 7/26/09 ›

High count during the week of 10 Caspian terns, including 6 active nesting pairs and 6 chicks, on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

7/20 – 7/26/09 ›

High count during the week of 37 Caspian terns, including 7 active nesting pairs and 13 chicks, on Dutchy Lake floating tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

7/24/09 ›

Video footage revealed that two hatch-year Caspian terns were preyed upon by a bald eagle at the Fern Ridge tern island

7/20/09 ›

Six Caspian terns were counted at the Fern Ridge tern island

Weekly Update for 7/13 - 7/19/2009

7/19/09 ›

First Caspian tern fledgling observed at East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

7/13 – 7/19/09 ›

High count during the week of Caspian tern nests on Crump Lake tern island was 250 nests, lower than previous week; also counted on the island were 110 ring-billed gulls and 204 California gulls, a significant decline in the number of gulls on the island compared to previous weeks

7/13 – 7/19/09 ›

Seasonal high count of 33 Caspian terns, including 6 active nesting pairs and 4 chicks, on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; also counted on the island were as many as 824 ring-billed gulls and 99 California gulls, plus up to 43 roosting American white pelicans and 18 roosting double-crested cormorants

7/13 – 7/19/09 ›

High count during the week of 40 Caspian terns, including 7 active nesting pairs and 13 chicks, on Dutchy Lake floating tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

7/13 – 7/19/09 ›

35 and 8 color-banded Caspian terns have been re-sighted at the Crump Lake and Summer Lake tern islands, respectively; 37% of these terns were banded as either adults or chicks at the East Sand Island tern colony during 2001-2006

Weekly Update for 7/6 - 7/12/2009

7/6 – 7/12/09 ›

High count during the week of Caspian tern nests on Crump Lake tern island was 317 nests, lower than previous week; also counted on the island were 990 ring-billed gulls, 1,106 California gulls, one double-crested cormorant, and one American white pelican; mortality rates of gull chicks tapered off; to date, no threatened Warner suckers have been observed among identified Caspian tern bill loads at the Crump Lake tern island

7/6 – 7/12/09 ›

High count during the week of 22 Caspian terns, including 6 active nesting pairs and 2 chicks, on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; also counted on the island were 210 active nesting pairs of ring-billed gulls (including 155 chicks) and 10 active nesting pairs of California gulls (including 5 chicks), plus up to 40 roosting double-crested cormorants and 13 roosting American white pelicans

7/6 – 7/12/09 ›

Seasonal high count of 42 Caspian terns, including 8 active nesting pairs and 13 chicks, on Dutchy Lake tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; a wide variety of other colonial waterbirds roosted on the island this week, but Caspian terns are the only species nesting on the Dutchy Lake floating island

7/9/09 ›

Seasonal high count of 4 Caspian terns on the Fern Ridge tern island; these terns are presumably non-breeders or failed breeders that dispersed from other nesting colonies in the region; to date no nesting attempts by Caspian terns have been detected at the Fern Ridge tern island; one pair of killdeer nesting on island

7/7/09 ›

Road survey of Goose Lake near Lakeview, OR; 278 loafing and foraging Caspian terns counted, including one banded tern that was raising a chick on the Crump Lake tern island, 55 km away

7/7/09 ›

Installed new power supply for video surveillance system at Fern Ridge Reservoir tern island; the lower mandible of an adult Caspian tern found in the rock revetment around the island, suggestive of predation by a bald eagle

Weekly Update for 6/29 - 7/5/2009

6/29 – 7/5/09 ›

High count during the week of Caspian tern nests on Crump Lake tern island was 387 nests, much lower than the previous week; this is the third straight week of significant declines in the number of active tern nests on Crump Lake island; numbers of ring-billed gulls (812) on the island also down sharply; large numbers of dead gull chicks accumulating in the revetment around the island; suspected general food shortage for terns and gulls, potentially associated with drought in the Warner Valley

6/29 – 7/5/09 ›

Nest predation rates on Caspian tern eggs and chicks by California gulls at the Crump Lake tern island declined compared to previous weeks; no California gulls removed from the Crump Lake tern island during week (see below)

6/29 – 7/5/09 ›

High counts for the week of 28 Caspian terns (8 active nests), 703 ring-billed gulls (154 active nests), 29 California gulls (3 active nests), 27 roosting double-crested cormorants, and one roosting American white pelican on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

6/29 – 7/5/09 ›

High counts during the week of 14 Caspian terns (8 active nests), 14 roosting double-crested cormorants, 24 roosting Forster’s terns, 2 roosting great egrets, 2 roosting Franklin’s gulls, and one roosting gadwall on Dutchy Lake tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

6/30/09 ›

Road survey of Goose Lake near Lakeview, OR; 208 loafing and foraging Caspian terns counted

Weekly Update for 6/22 - 6/28/2009

6/22 – 6/28/09 ›

High count during the week of Caspian tern nests on Crump Lake tern island was 491 nests, much lower than previous week; also counted on the island were 1,158 ring-billed gulls, 1,095 California gulls, and one double-crested cormorant

6/22 – 6/28/09 ›

High nest predation rates on tern eggs by California gulls at the Crump Lake tern island this week necessitated removal of problem gulls using firearms (under permit); 2 California gulls were removed

6/22 – 6/28/09 ›

33 and 4 color-banded Caspian terns have been resighted at the Crump Lake and Summer Lake tern islands, respectively; 37% of these terns were banded as either adults or chicks at the East Sand Island tern colony during 1999-2007

6/22 – 6/28/09 ›

High counts during the week of 16 Caspian terns (5 active nests), 564 ring-billed gulls, 31 California gulls, 2 avocets, and one killdeer on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

6/22 – 6/28/09 ›

High counts during the week of 14 Caspian terns (8 active nests), 21 double-crested cormorants, 36 Forster’s terns, 9 American white pelicans, 4 Canada geese, and one killdeer on Dutchy Lake tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

6/25/09 ›

Road survey of Goose Lake near Lakeview, OR; 301 loafing and foraging Caspian terns counted

Weekly Update for 6/15 - 6/21/2009

6/21/09 ›

First Caspian terns (3) were observed on the Fern Ridge tern island in 2009, presumably post-breeding terns that had dispersed from other nesting colonies in the region; to date no nesting attempts by Caspian terns have been detected at the Fern Ridge tern island

6/15 – 6/21/09 ›

High count during the week of Caspian tern nests on Crump Lake tern island was 667 nests, somewhat lower than the previous week; also counted on the island were 1,343 ring-billed gulls and 1,023 California gulls

6/15 – 6/21/09 ›

Seasonal high count of 22 Caspian terns (3 active nests) on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; also counted on the island were 645 ring-billed gulls (158 active nests), 48 California gulls (11 active nests), 2 avocets (1 active nest), 21 loafing American white pelicans, and 21 loafing double-crested cormorants

6/15 – 6/21/09 ›

High counts during the week of 18 Caspian terns (8 active nests), 31 double-crested cormorants, 14 Forster’s terns, 14 American white pelicans, 2 gadwalls, and one killdeer on Dutchy Lake tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

6/17/09 ›

First Caspian tern chick observed on East Link Pond tern island

6/16/09 ›

31 adult Caspian terns captured and banded at Crump Lake tern island; one California gull that was preying on tern eggs was shot (under permit)

Weekly Update for 6/8 - 6/14/2009

6/14/09 ›

First Caspian tern chick observed on Crump Lake tern island

6/14/09 ›

First Caspian tern chick observed on Dutchy Lake tern island

6/8 – 6/14/09 ›

Seasonal high count of Caspian terns (1,103) and Caspian tern nests (713) on Crump Lake tern island; also counted on the island were 1,323 ring-billed gull nests and 697 California gull nests

6/8 – 6/14/09 ›

High count during the week of 2 Caspian terns (1 active nest with a single egg) on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area (no gull counts conducted at East Link this week); high counts of 22 Caspian terns (8 active nests), 25 ring-billed gulls, 20 Forster’s terns, 20 American white pelicans, 19 double-crested cormorants, 3 California gulls, and 2 willets on Dutchy Lake tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

6/8 – 6/14/09 ›

High nest predation rates on tern eggs by California gulls at the Crump Lake tern island this week necessitated removal of problem gulls using firearms (under permit); 2 California gulls that were preying on tern eggs were removed

6/9/09 ›

Mammal tracks (possibly a muskrat) were observed on the Dutchy Lake tern island; the tracks were located on the opposite end of the island from the tern colony

Weekly Update for 6/1 - 6/7/2009

6/1 – 6/7/09 ›

Seasonal high count of Caspian tern nests (692) on Crump Lake tern island; also counted on the island were 2,714 ring-billed gulls and 792 California gulls; after hatching 4 goslings, nesting pair of Canada geese on Crump Lake tern island failed

6/1 – 6/7/09 ›

High counts during the week of 2 Caspian terns (1 active nest with a single egg), 367 ring-billed gulls (18 active nests), and 18 California gulls (4 active nests) on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; high counts of 23 Caspian terns (7 active nests), 17 double-crested cormorants, 8 Forster’s terns, 3 ring-billed gulls on Dutchy Lake tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

6/5/09 ›

Road survey of Goose Lake near Lakeview, OR revealed 158 Caspian terns on eastern shore of lake; 5 color-banded terns observed, all of which had been seen on Crump Lake tern island earlier this year, but none had been confirmed as nesters

6/3/09 ›

High nest predation rates on tern eggs by California gulls at Crump Lake tern island this week necessitated removal of problem gulls using firearms (under permit); 5 California gulls that were preying on tern eggs removed

6/3/09 ›

Paul Schmidt (USACE) and two construction engineers visited East Link Pond tern island

Weekly Update for 5/25 - 5/31/2009

5/25 – 5/31/09 ›

Seasonal high count of 1,059 Caspian terns on Crump Lake tern island, of which 596 were sitting in nest scrapes; gull predation on tern eggs has been observed but is much less prevalent this year compared to last year at this time; also counted on the island were 1,699 ring-billed gulls, 1,063 California gulls, and one Canada goose

5/25 – 5/31/09 ›

High counts during the week of 2 Caspian terns (1 active tern nest), 495 ring-billed gulls, and 14 California gulls on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; high counts of 13 Caspian terns (3 active tern nests), 12 Forster’s terns, 11 ring-billed gulls, and 4 double-crested cormorants on Dutchy Lake tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

5/25 – 5/31/09 ›

23 color-banded Caspian terns re-sighted at Crump Lake tern island, of which 9 were banded at East Sand Island; one color-banded Caspian tern (banded at East Sand Island) re-sighted at Summer Lake Wildlife Area; 3 color-banded terns re-sighted at Goose Lake near Lakeview, OR, of which 2 were banded at East Sand Island

5/29/09 ›

Road survey of Goose Lake near Lakeview, OR revealed 250 Caspian terns on eastern shore of lake feeding on spawning tui chubs; 5 color-banded terns were observed, 2 of which were seen on Crump Lake tern island earlier this year

Weekly Update for 5/18 - 5/24/2009

5/24/09 ›

797 Caspian terns, 2,378 gulls (1,187 ring-billed, 308 California, and 883 unknown gull sp.), and one Canada goose on Crump Lake tern island

5/18 – 5/24/09 ›

High counts during the week of 2 Caspian terns, 396 ring-billed gulls, and 7 California gulls on East Link Pond tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; high counts of 22 Caspian terns, 32 Forster’s terns, 20 ring-billed gulls, and 13 double-crested cormorants on Dutchy Lake tern island, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

5/22/09 ›

Road survey of Goose Lake near Lakeview, OR revealed 211 Caspian terns on eastern shore of lake foraging on spawning tui chub while standing in shallow water, a rare foraging behavior; no nesting terns found

5/21/09 ›

Road survey of 10 lakes in Warner Valley; most lakes were dry except for Crump Lake, Pelican Lake, Hart Lake, and Flagstaff Lake; many piscivorous waterbirds observed (e.g., pelicans, herons, egrets, gulls, and cormorants) on Pelican Lake island; no foraging Caspian terns seen

5/20 – 5/21/09 ›

Assisted ODFW with fish trapping in Hart Lake and Crump Lake; 8 prey-sized black crappie captured in Hart Lake and retained for proximate composition analysis

Weekly Update for 5/11 - 5/17/2009

5/17/09 ›

First Caspian tern eggs observed on both the East Link Pond and Dutchy Lake tern islands, Summer Lake Wildlife Area; high counts of 2 Caspian terns, 290 ring-billed gulls, and 3 California gulls on East Link Pond tern island; high counts of 33 Caspian terns, 29 double-crested cormorants, 25 ring-billed gulls, and 14 Forster’s terns on Dutchy Lake floating tern island

5/14/09 ›

First Caspian tern egg observed on Crump Lake tern island; 150 Caspian terns, 1,837 ring-billed gulls, 702 California gulls, 7 double-crested cormorants, and one Canada goose counted on island

5/12 – 5/13/09 ›

Assisted ODFW with fish trapping in Crump Lake; black crappie (19) brown bullhead (8), and red band trout (1) captured; some fish retained for proximate composition analysis

5/11/09 ›

John and Jody Gaylord visited East Link Pond tern island

Weekly Update for 5/4 – 5/10/2009

5/10/09 ›

High count of 15 Caspian terns on Dutchy Lake tern island, 2 Caspian terns on East Link tern island at Summer Lake Wildlife Area

5/8/09 ›

Counts of 50 Caspian terns and over 2,000 ring-billed and California gulls on Crump Lake tern island

5/7/09 ›

High count of 23 Caspian terns recorded at Schoolhouse Lake on Summer Lake Wildlife Area by Marty St. Louis (ODFW)

5/5/09 ›

Assisted ODFW with fish trapping in Hart Lake near Plush, OR; tui chub (12), black crappie (13) brown bullhead (4), largemouth bass (1) and Warner sucker (1) were captured; some fish retained for later proximate composition analysis

Weekly Update for 4/27 – 5/3/2009

5/3/09 ›

First road survey of Goose Lake near Lakeview, OR; 7 Caspian terns seen along shoreline; no nesting or foraging terns observed

5/3/09 ›

First road survey of Ana Reservoir near Summer Lake Wildlife Area; 3 Caspian terns seen foraging

4/30/09 ›

High count of 77 Caspian terns on Crump Lake tern island

Weekly Update for 4/20 – 4/26/2009

4/26/09 ›

Completed construction of observation blind at Dutchy Lake floating tern island

4/23/09 ›

First Caspian terns (6) observed on Dutchy Lake floating tern island

4/21/09 ›

First Caspian terns (33) observed on Crump Lake tern island

4/21/09 ›

Completed colony preparations and blind construction at Crump Lake tern island

4/20/09 ›

First Caspian terns (2) observed on East Link Pond tern island

4/20/09 ›

Completed construction of observation blind at East Link Pond tern island

Weekly Update for 4/13 – 4/19/2009

4/19/09 ›

Field crews began monitoring Caspian tern colony sites in interior Oregon

Weekly Update for 4/6 – 4/12/2009

4/7/09 ›

Caspian tern decoys and audio playback systems installed at newly constructed islands in Dutchy Lake and East Link Pond, Summer Lake Wildlife Area

4/6/09 ›

First Caspian tern sight record at Fern Ridge Reservoir in 2009


3/30/09 ›

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed construction of a 0.5-acre floating island for Caspian tern nesting in Dutchy Lake at Summer Lake Wildlife Area

3/23/09 ›

Video surveillance system installed at Fern Ridge Reservoir tern island

1/10/09 ›

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed construction of a 0.5-acre island for Caspian tern nesting in East Link Pond at Summer Lake Wildlife Area

The weekly update of events at various piscivorous waterbird colonies in Interior Oregon and NE California.

View updates for current year
